About us

Golden Steps for beginners” school is an optimum learning experience and a thoroughly joyous one. The progressive concept is a conscious attempt as it is going beyond structured schooling into the joyful freedom of inner growth. The concept of “golden Steps for beginners” is born of the spiritual vision and understand that education is process of awakening and evoking the true being, the psychic presence within and through that process bringing about a progressive each Child uniqueness and complexity and helping the child to blossom.

Golden Steps for beginners” is a best yeoman’s service in schooling where learning is seen as a natural process to be enjoyed to its fullest potential with play and learn method.

Our aim is that children learn through their sensory experiences with various material beads, cubes and even a real screw driver. As a child uses these materials he absorbs the concept behind them naturally through his own choice and in his own time.
